def annuity(rate, C, months, rate_check, month_check): 
    if str(rate_check) == "percent": 
    if str(month_check) == 'year': 
        months = months*12
    PV = (C/rate)*(1-(1/(1+rate)**months))
    annuity = PV + C
    print("The annuity is: {:.2f}$".format(annuity))
def perpetuity(rate, C, rate_check): 
        if str(rate_check) == "percent": 
            rate = rate/100
        PV = C/rate
        print("The perpetuity of your deposit is: {:.2f}$".format(PV))
def futureValue(rate, PV, months, rate_check, month_check):
        if str(rate_check) == "percent": 
            rate = rate/100
        if str(month_check) == "year": 
            months = months*12
        FV = float(PV)*(1+float(rate))**float(months)
        print("The future value of your deposit is: {:.2f}$".format(FV))
def presentValue(rate, FV, months, rate_check, month_check): 
        if str(rate_check) == "percent": 
            rate = rate/100
        if str(month_check) == "year": 
            months = months*12
        PV = float(FV)/((1+float(rate))**float(months))
        print("The present value of your deposit is: {:.2f}$".format(PV))
annuity(0.12, 1000, 12, "NA", 'months')
The annuity is: 7194.37$
perpetuity(12, 1000, 'percent')
The perpetuity of your deposit is: 8333.33$
futureValue(0.12, 1000, 12, 'NA', 'months')
The future value of your deposit is: 3895.98$
presentValue(12, 1000, 1, 'percent', 'year')
The present value of your deposit is: 256.68$